Interview Tips: Situational Questions : How to Answer?

The chance of getting Situational Questions during an interview could be 70 to 90 percent. Maybe you’ll be lucky that one of answer that you memorized would be a hit. So the question is what if it is a different question?

Is it really advisable for us to memorize an answer to an interview question? For us, it would be best not to memorize an answer but you need to practice and remember just the key details of your answers.

Unfortunately, you’ll meet an interviewer who asks a situational question out of the blue. You’ll be left with “what the F*** was that”.

Situational questions usually start with “what would you do” “If you are” or “What if”. In some cases, the question already starts with “In a (scenario) like” or “Could you give me a scenario”.

Be reminded that it could be something about you’ve done in the past, a scenario at a workplace or situation that is about to happen.

Question Samples:

A) You are working for a rude boss or uncooperative colleague, “What would you do” if it is affecting your productivity.
B) Could you give a scenario in which you are praised for what you did?
C) Can you describe one awful mistake in your previous work and how are you able to fix it?

These questions are being asked to check how can you manage/handle a difficult or stressful situation. The interviewer knows that anything could happen on a day to day basis in one company.

Key items the interviewer would like to know are your work ethics, problem-solving skills, stress tolerance, and critical thinking.

Here are some techniques to answer this type of question:

You are working for a rude boss or uncooperative colleague, “What would you do” if it is affecting your productivity.

Link a Situation with Professionalism:

You could always start with “Professionally” or “A situation like that could be frustrating but”.

The best answer is “Professionally what I could do is talk to my boss or colleague on a proper forum either discreetly or with a presence higher rank than him. I will stress that it could be some misunderstanding, I could be at fault and he might not be in a good mood. This way we could work harmoniously in the office instead of emotionally stressed with issues not related to work.”

Use the following format and let’s examine our answer above.

What’s the situation? Becoming unproductive due to a rude boss or uncooperative colleague.
What is your solution? Is to talk on a proper forum with the person involved.
What’s the result? This way they could all work harmoniously in the office.

You may want to try all the other questions you may find online. Use the format above, practice every day until you mastered the technique.

Additional Notes:
Although “rudeness” could be subjective in real life. Sometimes you misinterpret rudeness with being straightforward. So before you decide to have a proper forum with the supervisor ensure first that you have a basis on what transpired.

For more techniques kindly visit our facebook page Master En Vee and PhilUpdate.Com